Jobs to do in the garden in June

In June the garden is at its freshest. It’s time to sit back and enjoy long summer evenings surrounded by the results of your hard work earlier in the year! 

If you worked hard in May, you should already have crossed many of June’s jobs off your list, but if not- here are some that you can work your way through in the next couple of weeks. 

Summer Bedding Plants 

If you haven’t bought your bedding plants yet, there’s still time! Bedding plants aren’t just petunias and begonias… the range of bedding varieties is vast – there is something to suit all tastes and offers opportunities to come up with your own creative combinations. 

You could always swap petunias for more delicate calibrachoas, or other trailing plants such as Verbena. 

Salvias are a garden staple if you want something that flowers all summer. The rich purple tones flower their socks off all season, and add some height to borders and beds. 

Get your hanging baskets ready 

Now that the risk of frost is well and truly over, this month is a great time to plant your hanging baskets. Offering bursts of colour at eye-level, hanging baskets are a great addition to any garden, but do require some upkeep. 

Before you fill your baskets with compost, consider how you will water them. Hanging baskets are notorious for drying out very quickly and water can easily be wasted from them. One method to consider if you have many baskets is a drip irrigation system. These systems deliver water slowly and directly to the roots, where it is needed the most. 

Rose maintenance 

June is the perfect time to deadhead your roses after they have flowered. This is a quick and easy job which stimulates the growth of new blooms and extends the flowering season. Make sure you snip off the old flower at the base of the bloom, this will encourage the plant to send new shoots from the leaves near the top of the bush, producing smaller flowers. Don’t forget to spray your roses too to ensure they remain healthy throughout the drier months.

Plant out tender vegetables

Make sure to plant tender vegetables such as cucumbers, courgettes, and peppers. June is the perfect time to plant up these vegetables as there is a significantly reduced risk of wind and frost, conditions which are detrimental to the growth of tender vegetables. The hot weather provides the perfect conditions for these vegetables to grow, ready to harvest in the following months!

Offer your support! 

June is the perfect time to support your tall-growing perennials. During these warmer months perennials are in full bloom and therefore vulnerable to collapse as their long stems and heavy heads make them top-heavy and prone to flopping. Make sure these plants have plenty of support to stay upright and prevent damage during windy or rainy days by using frames or canes and tying the stems securely using twine.

Ideally, you should put any supports – such as bamboo canes – in place before you plant. If you need to put supports up near a wall or fence, place them around 5cm away.

Get your garden summer-ready 

If your garden needs a little more than some pottering in the sunshine to get it summer-ready, then we are here to help. Rosewood Garden Maintenance offer a wide range of landscaping and maintenance services, designed to help you achieve an outdoor space you love to spend time in. 

From regular maintenance such as grass cutting, weeding and flowerbed maintenance, our landscaping team also offer patio laying, fencing, complete garden makeovers and more. 

To learn more about what we do, or to get booked in, please call our team on 07393 821797 or follow us on Facebook or Instagram.