Things to do in the garden in September

With the sun setting a little earlier each day, September is known as the crossroads month. We may still enjoy those warm days and orange glow sunsets, but the nights are drawing in and the temperatures are dropping. It’s a month of change! Here’s our list of things to do in your garden this month. 

Give your greenhouse some TLC 

With your tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and peppers now spent, now is a great time to clean your greenhouse, polytunnels or coldframe. Burn or dispose of old plants and remove all empty pots and containers, as these may be harbouring pests! 

Make sure all glass is cleaned with warm soapy water and don’t forget to clean the greenhouse floor too, as potential pests and diseases could be lurking here. 

If you’re planning on growing anything over the next few months, then your greenhouse will need as much warmth and lighting as possible. Carry out the relevant maintenance needed, clean leaves from the guttering and test any greenhouse heaters if you have them- it’s better to fix a potential problem before it becomes an emergency! 

Prepare your lawn for autumn and winter 

By now, your lawn could be looking a little worse for wear after the harsh heat of summer and the not-so-lovely downpours we’ve been having. Your grass will need a little attention to ensure it goes into autumn and winter untroubled. Re-lay any bare patched with new turf, or re-sow seeds directly into the soil where needed. 

Keep edging in check and remove any fallen leaves, as this can encourage thatching. The upcoming change of season will mean the grass will slow its growth, and you’ll be mowing less frequently. 

Tend to your flowerbeds 

Although we’re still enjoying the last little bit of summer, it’s time to look ahead to next spring. As you clear away the last of the summer bedding, give your borders a refresh. If you’re not planting autumn flowers, such as chrysanthemums, then clear weeds, add compost and mulch, which provides a clean slate for any additions the following spring. 

Biennial varieties such as wall flowers, foxgloves, as well as pansies and sweet williams can now be planted, giving them enough time to get their roots established before the cold weather really bites. 

Bulbs and Sowing 

It might be a little too early to plant your tulip and allium bulbs for next year, but other bulbs are certainly ready to go! You can plant amaryllis and hyacinth bulbs now. Force their growth and you’ll be enjoying colourful bulbs in time for Christmas. 

If you’re thinking a little further ahead to next spring, then daffodil and lily bulbs can also be planted, just remember to plant them into flower beds at a depth of three times their height. 

When it comes to spewing, plants such as sweet peas, poppies and cerinthe can be sown now into trays or modules. Don’t let them dry out and, as temperatures slowly start to drop, ensure preparations are made to see them through the colder months. 

Other things to do in the garden this month 

September is a good time to bring in any indoor plants you rested outside over the summer months. It’s also a good idea to reduce the amount of water you give to your houseplants. 

Prune roses that are no longer flowering and continue deadheading your dahlias. Plant up herbs for the winter months ahead and, if you’ve planted autumn raspberries you can keep picking until the first frost! 

Garden maintenance in September

Your garden may be looking a little worse for wear following the summer months, and we understand that time isn’t always on our side. The team at Rosewood can bring your garden back to its former glory, or settle it down ready for the autumn and winter months ahead. 

Please do get in touch with our team to find out how we can help you, or follow us on Facebook & Instagram to keep up to date with our latest projects.