How to protect plants from frost

As the cold weather sets in, it’s crucial to know how to protect plants from frost. There is nothing more devastating than seeing your nurtured plants being destroyed by the cold seasons. Find out more about protecting plants from frost as the year enters its coldest phase. Bring Potted Plants Indoors Potted plants are more […]

Forcing Bulbs indoors for Christmas

Learn more about forcing bulbs indoors for Christmas to have beautiful blooms during the coldest time of the year. Knowing how to force bulbs indoors for Christmas brings colour and life into your home during the winter. However, it will need some preparation and planning. The cold and rainy days of December can drive even […]

Winter Garden Preparation

As the days draw in, Winter Garden preparation is a must for any keen gardener, many of us are getting ready to spend most of our time indoors but this doesn’t mean an end to the gardening season!  There are still some steps you can take to help keep your garden looking tidy and prepare […]

Spring Bulbs

Is there anything more joyous than spotting those first signs of spring? Green shoots push up through the hard, frosty ground. Buds appear on the stark, empty trees. The thought of blossoms floating on the cold breeze.  Sunny yellow daffodils remind us that warmer days are just around the corner. Truly, spring bulbs are the […]

Autumn Garden Care

Autumn garden care is all about preparation for the warmer months again, however – it’s not uncommon for gardens in Surrey to experience a deluge of storms during winter, which can mean getting out there isn’t a priority!  Nonetheless, garden maintenance must go on so we can reap the rewards in the summer. We reap […]

Therapeutic Gardens: What are the benefits?

Therapeutic Gardens

Therapeutic gardens are used to help people with chronic illness and disabilities in a variety of settings. Some of the places you may see a therapeutic garden include vocational rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and hospitals, as well as botanical gardens, nurseries, and prisons. The psychiatric and physical value of these gardens has been noted throughout […]

Top Tips For a Low Maintenance Garden

Do you love your garden but prefer to spend time enjoying it than working on it? Whilst we love pottering about in our garden whenever we get the chance, we appreciate not everyone has the time to dedicate to the upkeep. In our latest blog, we outline some ways you can achieve a low maintenance […]

Vegetable Seeds To Sow in April

April welcomes the long-awaited arrival of Spring, and longer daylight hours mean more time to spend in our gardens. The month kickstarts our gardens back into life, with the winning combination of sunshine and showers. If you haven’t started already, now is the perfect time to sow your vegetable seeds. Not sure where to begin? […]

How To Make a Small Garden Feel More Spacious

How to make your small garden feel more spacious

If there’s one thing this past year has taught us, it’s that even the smallest of outdoor spaces is a welcome haven of escapism. But wouldn’t it be nice to make those smaller gardens feel a little less… small? We’ve compiled some simple ideas to help your garden feel bigger and more spacious. Plant Vertically […]

Vegetable Garden: how to take care of yours in winter

Caring for your winter veggie garden - plant services

The arrival of February comes with the first glimpse of Spring and the prospect of longer daylight hours. This means more opportunities to spend more time on planting in our vegetable garden in preparation for Spring/Summer, and there is plenty to do! If you’re wondering which vegetables grow over Winter then read on for our […]